Traveling to Vietnam for the very first time filled me with excitement and trepidation all at once. Having been to the commercially-raped islands of Thailand and Indonesia, I knew so
Traveling to Vietnam for the very first time filled me with excitement and trepidation all at once. Having been to the commercially-raped islands of Thailand and Indonesia, I knew so
Continue“An Exceptional Boutique Resort in Every Way“. These are the words that greet you when you enter The Sarojin’s website. As a writer, I understand that words are easily strung
ContinueGoodness knows our skin goes through enough hell. Pollution, make-up, diet, air-conditioning (especially with the weather we’ve had these days), certain skin-care regimes, etc. etc.. I’m guilty too, of using
ContinueI thought I’d wait a while to write again on something really worth sharing. And I seem to have found it. Kiki Culte is an extensive range of hand-woven macrame
ContinueThe story is simple. Boy meets girl. The two fall in love. They get married. What makes THIS story a little more special than your run-of-the-mill romances is that this
ContinueI’ve been on a LOT of trips for both and work and play, that have taken me across the globe. But who was to know that PARADISE was just 2
ContinueThe late Swiss Psychiatrist, Carl Jung, once said; “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.“ This,
ContinueQuick note: The lovely Zurina Bryant recently asked me to “appear” on her professional photography website (which BY THE WAY .. I LOVE as it’s looking SUPER slick now with
ContinueAptly named. And nothing like it for miles around. Well, at least here in Singapore. Sparked off by THAT very fact, owners and life-partners Alex and Tammy decided it was
ContinueYes, you heard me. I’d like you to smell me. Especially when I’m wearing my Jimmy Choo. No. Not the shoes silly. Though one wouldn’t blame another for immediately thinking